Skambjaturi tas-Sħana Rotatorji

Deskrizzjoni qasira:

Dettall tal-Prodott


Karatteristiċi ewlenin tal-iskambjatur tas-sħana li jdur:
1. Effiċjenza għolja ta 'rkupru tas-sħana sensibbli jew entalpika
2. Sistema doppja ta 'siġillar tal-labirint tiżgura tnixxija minima ta' arja.
3. L-isforzi li jnaddfu waħedhom itawlu ċ-ċiklu tas-servizz, u jnaqqsu l-ispejjeż tal-manutenzjoni.
4. Settur ta 'tindif doppju jimminimizza t-trasferiment mill-arja ta' l-egżost fil-fluss ta 'l-arja tal-provvista.
5. L-effett lubrikat għall-ħajja ma jeħtieġ l-ebda manutenzjoni taħt użu normali.
6. Spokes ta 'ġewwa jintużaw biex jgħaqqdu l-laminazzjonijiet tar-rotor b'mod mekkaniku biex isaħħu r-rota.
7. Firxa kompluta ta 'dijametru tar-rotor minn 500mm sa 5000mm, rotor jista' jinqata 'f'1pc sa 24pcs għal trasport faċli, diversi tipi ta' kostruzzjoni ta 'djar huma disponibbli wkoll.
8. Softwer tal-għażla għal għażla konvenjenti.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Prinċipju ta 'Ħidma:

L-iskambjatur tas-sħana li jdur huwa magħmul minn rota tas-sħana alveolata, kaxxa, sistema tas-sewqan u partijiet tas-siġillar. L-egżost u l-arja ta ’barra jgħaddu minn nofs ir-rota separatament, meta r-rota ddur, is-sħana u l-umdità jiġu skambjati bejn l-egżost u l-arja ta’ barra. L-effiċjenza fl-irkupru tal-enerġija hija sa 70% sa 90%.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Materjali tar-Roti:


Ir-rota tas-sħana sensibbli hija magħmula minn fuljetti tal-aluminju ta 'ħxuna ta' 0.05mm. U r-rota tas-sħana totali hija magħmula minn fuljetti tal-aluminju miksija b'għarbel molekulari 3A ta 'ħxuna ta' 0.04mm.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%


L-iskambjatur tas-sħana li jdur jista 'jinbena fl-unità tal-immaniġġjar tal-arja (AHU) bħala parti ewlenija tat-taqsima tal-irkupru tas-sħana. Normalment il-pannell tal-ġenb tal-kisi tal-iskambjatur ma jkunx meħtieġ, ħlief li l-bypass ġie ssettjat f'AHU.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Jista 'jkun installat ukoll fil-kanali tas-sistema tal-ventilazzjoni bħala parti ewlenija tat-taqsima tal-irkupru tas-sħana, imqabbda permezz ta' flanġ. F'dan il-każ, il-pannell tal-ġenb tal-iskambjatur huwa meħtieġ biex jipprevjeni t-tnixxija.

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